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Beginners Guide to Making Money at Home as a Mum

The Beginners Guide to Making Money at Home as a Mum

This in-depth guide will show you exactly how to make money at home as a mum, what tools to use, how to get started, answer your questions, and how to grow a business online. Wow, that’s a lot of awesome!

I grew up with a dad who was successful in his business. He had the money to provide for his family and was a huge financial support for my life. When I got married I had a super supportive husband who supported my decision to be a stay at home mum and therefore he took on the responsibility for our finances. When my dad passed away and I got a divorce, as you can imagine I had to learn to take responsibility for making money at home and providing for my family.

I tried multiple ways to make money from home as a stay at home mum. After many different ventures, I finally found avenues that I enjoyed and what would help to make money at home.

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Making Money as a Mum at Home

I am here to provide information to help mums make money at home. This guide can be used by any woman who wants to make money at home.

  • It’s for the single mum who needs to make money for her family.
  • It’s for the stay at home mum who wants to contribute to the family finances.
  • It’s for the working mum who wants to spend more time with her children.
  • It’s for mums with grown children who want to work at home.
  • If you’re a woman, this guide is for you.
making money at home as a mum

How to Get Started with Making Money at Home

There are many ways to make money at home, this is exciting and can be overwhelming knowing where to start. It can be a very inexpensive cost to start a business. Compared to standard businesses, the start-up costs for many online businesses are low. You could spend less than £100 or pay thousands of pounds to get started. Honestly, you don’t need huge savings to start working from home. Do not let start-up costs stop you from starting!

Depending on the type of business venture for making money at home, here are some basic essentials to include:

  • funds
  • social media accounts
  • email list
  • website / blog
  • accountant
  • network of successful business people
  • like-minded mums
  • a mentor
  • invest in a course to help start the business
  • business bank account
  • banking online account
  • an awesome mindset

You don’t need a perfect business plan, perfect website or perfect office set up to start. Just start! You can build a business at home without fancy tools. With the essentials, you can make money at home and easily grow a sustainable income.

Tips for Success in Making Money at Home as a Mum

Over the years, from pre-motherhood to now, I have ventured into different online businesses, been self-employed and been a business owner. Currently, I run this blog which is my creative outlet for my love of content creation and sharing information on health and wellness. I am sharing my preferred ways to make money at home and will give you an honest review of what I have done and do.

Remember, as you grow, build a strong belief in yourself, you’ll adapt, change and think bigger for your ways to make money. It’s ok to have a starting point and then evolve as you grow, but remember you have to start somewhere. Do not let the fear of what others think or believe you have to stick to just one form of income be the thing that stops you from doing it.

With that, here are my tips to make money at home.

Blogging – Best for Creatives

I love to create content and finding Suzi from was a true blessing. This mum of three has built an incredible business making money at home blogging.

I first started blogging years ago as a personal trainer. I would blog my workouts and nutrition and loved sharing this simple content. Over time this passion grew to become a freelance writer for health and fitness websites. I did all of this before having my first child, stopped for a while whilst raising a baby, and when she was almost 2 years old I wanted a creative outlet for a few hours a week.

I love writing, photography and creating content and this led me to Suzi at Start a Mom Blog. I instantly fell in love with her resources, how she helps mums blog and make money at home, and her incredible ebooks and online courses.

Make Money at Home Tips for Mums

I started blogging again and invested in a few of her online bundles to help me get started. Blog by Number has been the best course to help build a blog with professional steps and a simple method.

The Blog by Number course is a great place to start whether you are a beginner to blogging or need direction with experience in blogging. I am constantly blown away by how much information is in this course, the fact that this mum has created this at home being a mum to her three children, makes over $40,000 a month from her blog, and it is all so simple to follow and apply.

Make Money at Home Tips for Mums
What is Blog by Number?

The perfect course for mums who want to start a blog, find their perfect blog idea, get step by step help with the technical parts, learn how to get traffic and how to make money with their blog.

Sign up to Blog by Number here.

I love everything about this course and her other courses. Easy for my busy mum brain, covers all my questions, is affordable to buy and doesn’t require you to be tech-savvy.


  • Flexible Hours: Blogging is a great way to work at home as you can create a schedule that suits you and family life.
  • Creative Outlet: Blogging is perfect to let your voice, creativity and message be heard. Share your passions, interests, skills and help others all through a blog.
  • Passive Income: When you have created a smart blog with the right system set up to link to affiliate products, your own products or services, and/or sponsored ads you will have multiple streams of income coming in when you’re busy being mum.
  • Create a Community: A blog is a great way to create a community which many of us mums want when being a mum at home.
  • Affordable Investment: Starting a blog is an affordable business that does not require thousands of pounds to get started.
  • Affordable Course: Blog by Number (and the other courses) are super affordable resources to help you start and create professional blogs, courses, email lists and anything else for a super blog!

Get Blog by Number here.

Network Marketing – Best for Social Bees

When I was looking for ways to make money at home in 2018 I stumbled across network marketing, also known as social marketing. This type of business is perfect for some people and not for others, it really depends on the individual.

What is network marketing?

Network marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), is a business model where independent consultants join a company and earn a commission on the products they sell.


  • Flexible Hours: You can work this type of business at any time of the day to suit your schedule.
  • Small Investment: Most MLM’s are usually a small cost to join as a consultant or ambassador. You decide how much money you want to invest in the products to use for yourself and then promote.
  • Build Your Own Business: You can build this business whatever way suits you. You can build it online, in person, or both. You can build it through social media, blogs, events, networking events and word of mouth.
  • Community: The community in MLM’s is phenomenal. The people are supportive, positive and it’s filled with like-minded people who want to transform their lives.
  • Events: There are usually many events with MLM companies which is fab for a fun community.
  • Online Tools: There are so many resources available online when you sign up as a consultant.
  • Premium Products: Make sure you join a company that sells premium products you actually use and like!

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Freelance Writing – Best for Writers

Creating content is a huge passion of mine, I got into blogging years ago for my fitness business and then I came across freelance writing for health and fitness websites. This meant I would get paid for the thing I love to do! Win-win!

Before I had my first child I wrote for a couple of health and fitness websites. I got back into work a few years later and started writing for one of those websites again for a while. I love to create content and being a freelance writer is a perfect way to do the thing I love and make money at home online.

You can be a complete beginner and an advanced writer. It depends on the job being advertised online. You can write for businesses, websites, social media influencers, and bloggers. Most businesses need written content.

The work could be creating recipes, health articles, workout routines, email newsletters, social media posts, sales pages, blog posts, the scope for freelance writing is huge.


  • Flexible Hours: Most freelance writing jobs will be flexible hours. You write the content and get it delivered by the deadline date. Some companies do have bigger jobs with set hours, most just want a set amount of posts delivered by a date. Perfect for fitting around mum life!
  • Flexible Rate: Depending on your experience and the job you can create your set rate. Some companies will agree or you will come to an agreement together for the pay rate.
  • Creative Outlet: It is a great way to let your creativity flow. Whether you love to develop and photograph recipes, inspire healthy living, empower entrepreneurs, give tips on your profession, share motherhood, there are many businesses that want your help.
make money at home

Common Questions/FAQ About Making Money at Home as a Mum

Can you make money at home as a mum?

Short answer: yes. There are many ways to make money at home. I have shown a few examples above from my experience that I love for multiple streams of income. Here are 75 Real Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom.

Do I have to make money at home?

No, of course not. You can do whatever you want with your life. If you need/want to work to make money then you have many options available to you. If you are looking to earn an income and do so from home then looking into ways to make money at home is best so you can make it fit your home life.

Do I have to do the examples shown above to make money?

No. You can choose whatever line of work you want to make money. The above examples are to give you ideas, and quite honestly they are mentioned for a reason as they work for me and my family life.

How long will it take to make xyz amount of money?

How long is a piece of string? I cannot answer that question with a straight set number. This depends on the work and business you do, how much time you spend working, what money you invest, how consistent you are, and your mindset towards the work. There are many factors at play for how much money you will make.

Can I really make money at home whilst being a busy mum?

Absolutely YES! You can do anything. You have it all within you and you can achieve incredible success with your online business. Choose what fits your schedule, investments, goals and go with your heart. You got this!

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Making Money at Home as a Mum

I want you to be successful. I want to help you and show you that you can do this. Us mums need each other and we have to help each other grow and succeed. Your business will work – simply choose what fits your life and commit to it.

Let your dreams come to life!

It is time to shine girl and step into your power. Working from home takes commitment, a strong mindset and focus. It takes time, just like anything, so having the right support, a solid plan and a super attitude will help you succeed in making money at home with your little ones.

If you really like this blog post and it was helpful for you please share it with your friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it and would love to hear from you!

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