Top 10 Ways to Invest Money for Women
Ways to Invest Money for Women
When it comes to investing money it doesn’t have to be scary, overwhelming or impossible. It’s not just for the professional businessman or woman who works for a large corporate company or runs their own highly successful business. Investing money is for everyone – any gender, any age, any skill, any background. Whatever your financial goal and plans for your family, it is a good idea to invest money the smart way.
Yes, you can invest money whilst being a mum at home raising your children. Do you need to invest? No. Is it a good idea to invest? Yes. When you learn to invest money with a smart plan and strategy you can create financial stability and a sense of financial freedom for yourself and your family for now and the future.
Since I have “adulted” aka taken responsibility for my finances and life, I have found it is exciting, fascinating and challenging to learn about money in different ways. So great for my mind whilst being mum!
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How Do I Start Investing Money?
Honestly, just start. This process does not need to be complicated to get started with investing money. Yes, you will need to do research into what area you want to invest in first, but don’t try to be the best of the best when you first start. Remember, we all have to start somewhere, so focus on one area first and then learn from this as you move forward.
It will feel uncomfortable at first, and then you will get comfortable with that area. The key essentials to start investing money is to have the willingness to learn, money to invest and a strong mindest to accept winning and losing money.

What Should I Invest in to Make Money?
There are so many businesses and profitable ventures you can invest in, the world is a huge money game you can take part and play in. That being said, I believe the best place to start is getting clear on how much money you want to earn from the investment. Write down how much income you want to receive monthly, and annually, from that investment. Remember, this income won’t happen overnight, but get clear on the number you eventually want to earn from the investment.
Once you have the figure, get clear on how much cash you have available without borrowing from anyone. Write that figure down. Then look at the options you have available for borrowing money. Can you borrow money from your partner, friend, family, investor, colleague, bank? Look at all your options for what money you have available to invest.
The next part is to get clear on how much time is needed for that investment. Do you have the time to dedicate to it daily, weekly, monthly? How much time can you spend on the type of investment? Do you want an investment that you control or you don’t have as much hands-on-deck responsibility?
Importantly, get clear on what drives you. What are your passions? What is your big WHY for investing money? What industries do you enjoy or like the look of even if you have zero experience? You need to feel aligned with your investment and have a degree of passion for where you save and spend your money. It doesn’t have to be the perfect business, but it does have to feel good for what you want with your investment.
Get clear on your foundation before investing money.
How Can I Grow My Money Fast?
There is no get rich quick scheme or overnight millionaire success, it doesn’t happen. No matter what you choose to do for work, how you spend your time and what you invest in, it will require work, commitment, consistency, effort and time.
If you want to protect your money and invest with a safe strategy, it is smart to let go of the idea of making money fast. Yes, we all want money now so we can feel wealthy and abundant, and treat ourselves to nice luxuries. However, this is setting yourself up for failure, as you will not have a healthy mindset for your spending and saving habits. Learning to build a strong mindset and a solid money strategy for the long term will help you to create strong financial security which in the long run will be better for your money (and you will still be able to treat yourself)!
Check out 19 Creative Ways to Make Extra Money from Home for inspiration!

Top 10 Ways to Invest Money for Women
Here I am going to give 10 ways to invest money for women, however, these are not the only ways to invest your money. There are many options for how to invest your money – so much fun to learn what to do with money!
An oldie and a goodie. Investing in stocks has been around for a long time and for good reason, it works for long term investing when done right. Investing in stocks can be seen as the “boring” route as it is a long term game plan rather than a fast-paced approach like in day trading. If you want to put money somewhere with a steady pace and more well-known investment then stocks might be for you.
Check out How To Invest In Stocks: A Beginner’s Guide For Getting Started.
Real Estate
You could rent out your property for people to live in or as a holiday home. You could be a real estate manager and create a rental portfolio building a lucrative property business online. You can buy in cash or get a mortgage on properties across the UK and/or overseas. There are many options on what you can do to create cash flow from investing in property.
There are many options available to build an online property business, and you can do this without needing huge chunks of cash to buy a property or get a mortgage. Don’t hold back from getting into property due to low finances!
Company Buyout
Similar to investing in property, you could invest in a company buyout. When the economy takes a hit, it could be a good time to look into which companies are selling, looking for a buyout, and see what options are available to you.
If you have the money to invest in a property, you could do both a rental property and a company buyout, or you might find a company buyout is a better deal for your finances. The point is don’t just think you need to buy property to rent out to bring in extra income, take a look at company buyout opportunities as you might find a good deal that’s worth taking!
Cryptocurrency is a great way to take control of your money and step into the world of financial trading. Money is evolving in this digital age, and cryptocurrency is a big part of this movement. How people use money is different as technology advances, the economy changes, and the value of certain currencies change. Over the last decade, there has been a huge jump in people using cryptocurrency and it will continue to rise.
Before missing out on a great opportunity, get ahead of the game and start trading cryptocurrency now to invest in your future and create wealth.
Online Business
There are so many online business opportunities you can take, it’s all about getting started and treating it as a business – because it is a business! Even if you can’t see a physical shop/office/gym/building, it does not mean it’s not a real business by being online. An online business is an excellent way to invest your money and create a good stream of income whilst working from home.
You can create your own online business, a blog, or join another company that does franchises, direct sales or is an MLM type of business.
Investing in gold is an investment to think of for the long game. The value of gold will go up and down, especially as there are many other currencies available to use these days. If you have the money available, investing in gold can be a smart choice.
Learn more about gold here for inspiration!

Network Marketing Company
It’s kind of like marmite – you love it or hate it! That’s the general vibe I have noticed since I became familiar with network marketing. If you love network marketing, genuinely love the products the company is selling and treat it as a business, then joining a network marketing company could be a good investment for you.
It is a great way to fit around mum life as you can create your own schedule. You do need to be self-motivated, an action taker and work on your mindset to keep a strong mind during the challenges of building a profitable business – however, it can be very rewarding!
It’s simple to start and fun to do on a daily basis! You do not need a huge amount of cash to invest in a blog. Yes, you do need money to start a decent quality blog, but the amount is very affordable.
As with any other business, you have to treat a blog as a business. Money won’t start flying in overnight, but with consistency, effort and time you could create a very profitable blog.
This affordable beginners blog course can help you get started!
Learn more about blogging here and here.
Invest in Yourself
You need to invest in yourself! This is such an important element to investing in your future, aka your life. Yes, it is great to invest money in a blog, property and gold, however, if you’re not looking after yourself then the rest is pointless.
Aside from investing in your money for the future, which is a part of investing in yourself, you need to take time and spend money on looking after yourself. A healthy mindset will create a great life.
Take time for self-care, read books, go for a walk in nature, do your favourite hobby, meet up with friends and family, take a bath, go to bed early, have fun, reward yourself, celebrate how amazing you are, go out for a meal, have a date night with yourself or your partner, book a massage. Whatever it looks like to you where you feel valued and nourished, do those things.
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Invest in Relationships
Take time to invest in your relationships because this will help you to feel grounded, connected with life, add to happiness, and has a huge impact on mental health. Our mental wellbeing is so important, and we do best interacting with others. If you’re a stay at home mum, take the time to meet up with friends and family, have play dates, call your loved ones, do video calls, and have regular outings with your children.
When we invest in our relationships – whether that’s our partner, children, friends, family, colleagues, boss, acquaintances, even animals – it will have a greater impact on your overall wellbeing and feeling of abundance.
You don’t just need money to feel rich and abundant, creating quality relationships will help you to feel rich and abundant in a completely new way!
Check out The Top 5 Books Every Young Investor Must Read for inspiration!

Common Questions about Investing Money
What Should I Invest 10k in?
Personally, I would split the money into various investments that suited my interests and future desires. Do your research on different investment ideas and pick 2 to 4 to split that money and invest with a smart plan.
How Should You Invest Your First £1000?
If I had £1000 to start with, I would probably start a blog, invest in some stocks and cryptocurrency, and treat myself to a little indulgence to honour how awesome I am (remember: invest in yourself too).
Investing With a Low Budget?
If your savings or cash flow are very low, then you could invest in starting a blog. The start-up costs for creating a blog are super low and is a fun way to use your creativity. Once you start building cash from the blog, you can use that money to invest in bigger investments such as business buyouts, cryptocurrency or property.
Is Investing Money Safe?
It depends on what you do!! If you need guidance then find a professional in that industry after doing your research and you feel confident in seeking their help. If you choose to use that person and follow a plan from them then you could be investing your money with a smart safe strategy. If you are hoping for a get rich quick overnight scheme and gamble your money then you are setting yourself up for losing money and having a gambler’s mindset.
The most important parts to investing money safely are your mindset, a smart plan, a smart strategy and safe risk management.
Understand risk management here!

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Investing Money
Have a plan, know how much money you want to earn per month, follow safe risk management and have confidence in what you are investing in with your money.
Most importantly, enjoy what you are doing and see it as a learning curve. There will be highs and lows when investing money so you need to work on personal development and create a strong mindset so that you can take the losses as well as the wins.
What I love about investing money is I actually love it! It has challenged me, got me out of my comfort zone, helped me take control and have responsibility over my life, and it has helped me to understand commitment, focus and discipline on a whole new level.
If you want more ideas, here is a huge list of 19 Creative Ways to Make Extra Money from Home, and the Beginners Guide to Making Money at Home as a Mum.
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